Is your oc a Mary Sue / Gary Stu?

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Hello! Before we start I am going to let you know that I am not here to criticize your work, nor to make you change your character at all. This is just my opinion, which may be inaccurate because I am not going to be able to see your oc.The quiz will be in seven different sections: The basics, Appearance, Personality, Backstory, Abilities, connections and opinions. These sections will help me judge your oc and give you feedback.

I can also evaluate your ocs to see how much your oc is like a Mary Sue, which will be more accurate than this quiz. I added a form to the afternote that you can copy and fill out. I have another quiz (the link is in the afternote) that has oc ratings. You can comment your ocs on that quiz so I can do this, but I will not respond to your comment. I will instead put down your rating of each section in a question on the other quiz. I will write if I am active or if I will not be doing ratings anymore. Anyways, let’s get on with the quiz! :)

Created by: Melonie130972
  1. Section one: the appearance! What would you rate your character’s looks from one to ten?
  2. What does your character’s eyes look like?
  3. What does your character’s hair look like?
  4. How many times does your character’s looks get commented on?
  5. Is your character attractive but refuses to admit they are/ thinks they are not?
  6. Do people fall in love with them easily from their looks?
  7. Section two: The basics (I did appearance first by accidentally)! What is their full name [including middle name(s) and last name(s)]
  8. What is the gender or preferred Gender of your character?
  9. what is the sexuality of your character? (If you do not comprehend what that means or you character does not know yet, select skip.)
  10. Age?
  11. Section three: personality! What is the balance of good and bad traits? (This drastically affects your answer, it will bounce you from one level to another. Be honest to get an accurate result.)
  12. Does your character’s personality reflect their tragic backstory?
  13. Section four: the backstory! (This one is going to be long…) How would you rate their backstory, one being the most horrible, and ten being the best? (Also drastically changes answer)
  14. And how does this trauma affect them?
  15. Did they lose their parents?
  16. If they lost their parents, which age were they?
  17. Were they part of an experiment?
  18. Did they get ab*sed, neglected, k*lled (then came back from the dead), tort*red, experimented on and/or bullied? Did they k*ll a close friend, k*ll a family member and/or blamed themselves for something that wasn’t their fault? (check one for each)
  19. Does their trauma stop when they get a significant other?
  20. Section five! How powerful are they?
  21. How many powers do they have?
  22. How strong are they?
  23. Does the strength make sense?
  24. Does the strength show through muscles? (Only if you put strong or very strong)
  25. Are they beatable?
  26. Section six: connections! What do people think of them?
  27. How many people have they crushed on?
  28. How many people have crushed on them?
  29. How many significant others do they have? (One or none, I hope…)
  30. How many friends do they have?
  31. Section 7: (so close) opinions! (True or false) First time readers can probably guess who you favorite character is.
  32. You named your character after yourself.
  33. Your character looks like you.
  34. You get offended when people criticize your oc.
  35. Do you think your character is a Mary sue? (Does not affect answer)
  36. For this one, I want you to be very, very honest. If you weren’t in the other questions, be honest here. Did you lie in any of the other questions?
  37. Last question! Did you lie in the last question? Please be honest, this will not affect you score much.
  38. That’s all! I want to thank you for taking this quiz, and I am sure your oc is great. The results are not 100% accurate, so this may be incorrect because I can not see your oc. I encourage you to comment your oc on my other quiz so I can see them. If you would like, I can rate your oc and put the overall rating on one of the questions of that quiz. The quiz link is in the afternote. Bye! (:

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Quiz topic: Is my oc a Mary Sue / Gary Stu?
