Magic kitty pet love story (tomcats only) Pt. 1

Alright, so this quiz is based off of a role play I found in warrior cats ultimate edition on Roblox, the ✨magic school✨ Role play you choose to be a student (your a student in this quiz) or a teacher. Then you choose one or two powers to have (you only get one: Hypnosis; for this quiz) for this

You are a black and white tom with dark brown hints here and there. Your name is Astro, you are a rouge and one day woke up to a message saying that you were invited to a school, you didn’t have anything else to do so you joined. You will meet four she-cats that you have to choose from. Selina, Blackrose, Amethyst, and Flicker. Choose wisely…

Created by: Silvershade
  1. Beginning paragraphs. Now.
  2. Setting the stage rn; your sitting with the other students in a very recently abandoned two leg home with the teacher (Horizon) sitting patiently before all you students.
  3. You sit there, your tail wrapped around your paws. Your orange eyes scanning tho other cats. There were surprisingly more cats than you had suspected would come. A few descriptions are as followed: a molted brown tabby tom with mischievous green eyes. A black, almost purple, sleek furred she-cat with purple eyes with what looked like red tinging the edges. A silver, gray, and white she-cat with frosty blue eyes. And a black and orange she-cat with emerald eyes. You noticed clan sent coming from some of the cats including the brown tom.
  4. “Silence!” Yowled the ginger and white ‘teacher’ from the front. “It is time,” she swished her tail to a dully glowing dark grey crystal. “For you to receive your powers. Toadpaw. You first.” The molted brown tabby from before stood up, you could see exitment in his eyes. He walked and stood before the crystal, his pelt started to stand on end, from anticipation or something other, you couldn’t tell. Suddenly the stone flashed and changed colour, it was now a sandy shade of beige. “Sand manipulation” announced the teacher. Toadpaw came back to the crowd of younger cats with his chest puffed put. “Astro.” She called next, you felt your tail quiver and hissed under your breath, you weren’t scared, you could do this.
  5. You stand before the crystal and feel as though electricity ran through your fur, then, just as fast as it came, that electricity was gone, leaving you cold. The crystal flashed and was now black and white. “Hypnosis,” Announced Horizon. You go back to your spot and watch cooly as she calls other names. A cat named Spirit got water manipulation, a cat named Amethyst got mind reading, the Silver-gray-white cat (Selina) got three, well… three colours, pale blue, silver, and gray. “Ice, healing, and…” Horizon whispered the last word to Selina so nobody else heard it. So… three powers? Or… two powers?
  6. Not too long before it was time for the final student. “Blackrose.” The quiet murmuring fell silent as the sleek, black, strange eyed she-cat calmly stepped forward. She sat in front of the crystal. It sparked, witch wasn’t supposed to happen from what you’ve seen, this peaks your interest. It flashes and changes colour, at first it was black, a much darker black than it did for the shadow manipulator. The red spirals out from the center and purple appears along the sides of the crystal. “Song and Darkness” Horizon sounded like she did any other time, but her twitching tail gave away that this was not normal.
  7. Blackrose’s eyes were fixed on the crystal, “So… Sound and Shadow manipulation?” She mewed, still not looking away from the crystal. Horizon shook her head. “No, the song ability is… more like… a siren’s ability, to put those who hear it under an enchantment, and Darkness…… you are able to draw power and energy from the darkest corners of the spirit world, it is a dangerous power and should not be practiced without one of the teacher” Blackrose swished her tail, her strange eyes alight as she made her way back to the crowd. “Now you will be sorted into small groups, these groups are randomly selected, whom ever is in your group will be the cats you share a sleeping room with, they will help you practice your ability, and you will work together.” Horizon mewed solidly, her eyes flicking over every student in turn.
  8. (Your group is; Toadpaw (friend candidate; Tom; power: sand) Flicker (possible love interest; she-cat; power: Invisibility) Breeze (friend candidate; Tom; power: wind) Amethyst (possible love interest; she-cat; Heterochromic (multiple eye colours); power: mind reading)
  9. (Time skip it’s been one moon) your just drifting off to sleep when you feel a paw prod your side, you ignore it, hoping that it was unintentional, but the paw prodded you again. You open one eye, ready to force the cat to leave you alone. In the dark at first you just see floating green eyes, but as you adjust you can see orange splotches in a dark pelt. “Flicker!” You hiss careful not to wake the others, “what are you doing?!” “Come on whisker-for-brains I told you earlier today that I was sneaking outside tonight and you said you’d come” “I thought you were joking!” You reply, she shook her head, “are you coming or not Grouchy?” She asks, you reply with…
  10. If you chose no)) “no. Go away, I’m trying to sleep” you mutter, pulling your tail over your muzzle and eyes. “Come on it’ll be fuuuuun” she nudged you again. You open your eyes ready to hypnotize her into going away, buuuut it seems she had turned invisible you you couldn’t find her to make eye contact. “Come on!” She mewed again you turn your head to her voice but she must have moved again. “Fine.” You grumble, knowing that if you said no it would just make her pester you more. “I’m going I’m going.”
  11. If you chose yes here’s a clip of what happened in the quotation marks, the rest is where both answers merge again)) “you sigh. “Fine, I’ll come” you get up and stretch before padding after the black and orange she-cat” she peaks her head into the hallway. “All clear” she whispers even though you can CLEARLY SMELL THAT IT IS SAFE THANK YOU. You slink into the hallway and down the stairs, and soon your outside. The fresh night air fills your nose and blows through your fur. You breath it in, you hadn’t realized how much you had missed it, Flicker lays on the grass beside a blooming bush. “Where are you from anyway?” She asks after a while of silence, you reply with;
  12. (Let’s say you say; “why should I tell you”) “I could go first if you like,” she offered, you don’t answer. “I was part of a traveling rouge family, my oldest brother was the leader, a cat named Nightcrawler was the ‘voice of sense’, there were more of us too but she only had her back legs, so we all let her put her say in what she thought her physical abilities were limited too. I was second in command, but, ya’know… it got kinda boring. Track across windclan territory here here and here, because they have the best plants to cover our sent. Cross the river here, because it’s shallow enough for Nightcrawler, hide in this tree’s roots for a few days and then move to a badger set on the edge of four trees. Same thing over and over.” Your tail twitches as you realize that… that was a lot of what you felt. You could only stay in one area and only follow certain paths, except you had been alone the whole time. She at least had a family. “Your turn mr. Brooding thoughtful” she said rolling onto her back and looking at you. You sigh, much like when she woke you up and asked to go outside, you weren’t getting out of this.
  13. “I was a rouge living on my own since I could hunt. I traveled between the clan borders and never got caught. No more no less.” You growl, looking away from her. After a long moment of silence she speaks up again. “We should probably get back inside.” You can hear her get to her paws. Glancing up at the moon you realized how long you two had been outside. Getting up onto your paws too you turn and say…
  14. Suddenly you hear feint paw steps. Flicker hears them too, she looks at you and you give a quick nod. She disappears and you shake out your fur, ready to use your magic. Down the hall, at first all you see are two silver-blue eyes getting closer, but soon you are able to make out white, silver, and grey patterns. Selina. Throughout the one moon that you had been there she had been shy, and didn’t talk almost at all. But she had been at the top of the class with almost no struggle. You flatten your ears, she passed under the silver light that was coming from a window and it made her look like she was glowing, despite the situation, you had to admit, she was pretty. You let out a small warning growl and she finally sees’ you. She tilts her head in a calm, interested fashion. “Astro? What are you doing up?” You think fast “going back to my room from a quick walk to stretch my legs.” You say, hopping it sounded casual enough. You stare her dead in the eye, orange met blue, and you channeled your magic into that stare. Nothing happened. Her eyes didn’t go to the brain-dead stare that they should have if his magic was working, you mentally growl and imagine smacking your magic, ‘work…
  15. You narrow your eyes at her, your thoughts flashing to the day that you had gotten your powers. The crystal had turned three colours, not two. Blue, silver, and grey. “You’re immune to magic.” You growl at her. Her gaze had drifted away from you and was watching a leaf fall outside of the window. She turned back to you with a small twitch of her ear, “how’d you guess that?” She asked, almost instantly drifting back to her thoughts and the leaf outside teh window. “Lucky guess.” You say “why are YOU up and out?” You ask deflecting the conversation away so it wouldn’t get awkward if you had to explain that you were trying to use you hypnosis on her. “I couldn’t sleep, so I found a open window down the hall, I didn’t go out, it’s a long drop, but I just sat there and looked at the stars and smelled the night air. There’s just something fresh and crisp about night air, have you noticed?” She was looking out the window still, now watching a bird in a tree. You didn’t want to admit that she had also, like Flicker, toutched a part of you on the inside that made you think; we’re no to different… you shake off the feeling. “I have to go.” You say, tensely walking past her.
  16. The next day Horizon picked you and another random person to spend most of the day with. You got Amethyst, a mind reader. She was quiet, and didn’t say anything when the teacher moved you next to her. She was one of the cats in your group with Flicker, Toadpaw, and Breeze, but you hadn’t really seen her up close. She had two different eye colours, green on the left eye, blue on the right eye. Her fur was pure silver with feint tabby marks. One of her back paws was white. Horizon had a different group of students to attend to so she spread you around outside and left you with the instructions, “don’t go to other groups while I’m gone, try to interact with your partner instead,” so you and this quiet, mind reading were left alone under a flowering crabapple tree with white flowers. ‘Great. This is great. I’m stuck, with this cat I barely know. And she can read my mind.’ You think, clawing at some of the grass. ‘Stay out of my head Moon-eyes!’ You think glaring at her, then think to yourself ‘Flicker must be rubbing off on me’ proud of yourself for that name calling, even though it WAS wrong and you should PROBABLY apologize. ‘Sorry…’ you mentally grumble not looking at her.
  17. Soon you hear her shuffling her paws on the sandy ground and peak over your shoulder to eye her. She looked very concentrated, moving her paws to mix the lighter sand with the soft dirt, the falling petals of the tree above you added to the mix, and you were soon mesmerized watching her work. She glanced up at you a few times but when she did you pretended to be looking at something else. She added a few of the shiny twoleg Quartz pebbles and looked at you then shyly look down at her paws. “Normally I don’t have to look.” She mewed in a surprisingly quiet and soft voice. She slightly waved her tail at the “artwork” “I don’t have nearly as much things as I would to make it in my den by the river.” She admitted, swishing it away and looking back up at you.
  18. “Weird.” Is all you manage to say without sounding interested. “Can I… can I show you?” She asks, pulling her tail back, you don’t answer. She reaches over with her tail and rests it on top of yours, just ass your about to pull it back with a hiss, something happens. Suddenly YOU can see her- actually see her, her thoughts and emotions, and- it was so………… fascinating- it was like she thought in colour along with words. Blue and indigo pulling like a tide along the edges of most of her thoughts, one thought caught his attention more though, it was around pale green, ‘what if he thinks I’m not right like the others? Should I have kept quiet?’ These, you know, somehow, were her fears. You shut down those thoughts quickly, you REALLY didn’t need another reason to empathize other cats. She pulls her tail away and your sucked back, confined to the corners of your own mind, that until now, you hadn’t known were barriers, something in the way of seeing more. You shake your head. ‘It’s better this way.’ You think, she rests her tail on yours again but this time doesn’t open your thoughts to hers. “You have lived your whole like in fear of letting someone else in, because you were scared it
  19. Let someone in.” She mewed, not taking her breathtaking two coloured eyes off your orange ones. “Don’t live in fear of who you might loose. Live life savoring who you have.” She lifted her tail off yours and padded away as Horizon called the students to their next class. You sat there dazed for another moment until Breeze and Toadpaw’s voices sounded behind you. “Looks like sOmEoNe’S got a new GIIIIIIIRRLFRIEEEEEND.” They teased as you got up and the the three of you start back to the “school” you respond with…
  20. You’re at the end of a hallway and your about to go find Toadpaw so you can bring him back with you to get backup on teasing Breeze about Flowerpaw when a voice stops you in your tracks. “What’s a fine tom like yourself doing inside on a day like this?” The voice was sweet, and most cats would have only noticed that, but you could hear the ice on the edges of it. You turn to face Blackrose, and if it had been anyone else, it would have been with a snarl, but, knowing the extent of her ‘song’ power, because you had a similar ability, you held back the snarl, and just glared. “None of your business.” You say. She shrugged but continued talking, “you know, we’re the most powerful cats in this school” she mewed, you freeze, is she right? “After all, all we have to do is take over the other cats to use their powers for ourselves,” wasn’t that one of the thoughts you had after Selina got her three powers? Blackrose weaved around you and pulled her sleek tail under your jaw. “I mean,” she mewed, looking back at you, “the only cat who could evade one of us if Selina,” you froze, how did she know about Selina’s third power? “And she can be easily dealt with…” She sat down elegantly
  21. She blinked at you expectantly, tilting her head slightly and giving you a sly smile. “Cat got your tongue?” She asked innocently. You shook your head and growled slightly. “I have someone to meet up with.” You say tightly, the fur rippling along your spine and you stalk way thinking…
  22. It is now midnight, and you and your friends+ the she-cats decided the day before that you should stop BlackRose before anything got too far out of hand. You creep into Blackrose’s room, she had been given a room alone because of… her power. Your in front, Toadpaw is just behind you on your left, and Flicker is just behind you on your right, ready to channel some of her power into you our Selina, who was just behind her. Amethyst was at the door, to alert all of you if someone was coming, and Breeze was at the back. You stop in your tracks. Blackrose was standing on top of a pinkish-red glowing circle on the ground with strange patterns on it and a broken star in the middle, she slowly turned around saying- no- singing; “Cross my heart and hope to die,” the room somehow got darker, and her eyes were starting to glow the same eerie light as the circle, “welcome to my dark side” —CLIFFHANGER CUZ YES—

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