Love Story (part 3) | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Love Story (part 3).
ok Kyle was supposed to be introduced this quiz but what i didn't realze was that i would have to add like 5 more really long questions to it and i was making this at like 3 in the morning so i wasn't really thinking strait. Sorry for any super confusion. Yeah there is a war which i agree was random but i promise it works in all of the boys and maybe a couple more boys hahaha ENJOY part 4 being posted tonite
Too Bradley centered!! Agh! lol.
Again Cody. If Jeff would just kiss me maybe I'd go after him.
And I love the Bionca parts. I'm almost tempted just to go with her. ;D
I like Bradley alot more than Kyle .He's a jerk reminds me of someone*thinking*
Xy6241 -
I love Bradley and Jeff is being a real jerk. Can't wait for part 4!
where's four?! D:
wheres 4??
wheres four???
i cant find part 4. btw i love your quiz
WHOAH. how'd kyle get in there..? lol too many guys! but i agree with the comment below me. Jeff kinda seemed like an a--hole...=/
a war? random. but idc im with bradley yay
&rock/live\la ugh/love& -
jeff is such an a--hole. sooo not forgiven. bradley is so freakin hot!!! i still like cody but, ya brad is better! please make the next quiz SOON!!
Love me that Cody his so hot!but I kind of like bradly as well!
what's up with the bionca thing it's weird.
i like this
wats the url for the 4th one? -
whos kyle?? O_o
whos kyle?? O_o
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