Long Political Quiz

This quiz has questions that range from society to Economics, the Results however are Vague as I only put: Lib Right, Lib Left, Auth Left, Auth Right. I did have several options I planned to put such as Nazbol, Pink Capitalism, Neo-Liberalism, etc.

This was my first political quiz I ever made, I wanted to do this simply for fun and to try my best to make one of the most definitive political quizes.

Created by: lonleyman
  1. Society has become more and more degenerate
  2. `We must preserve what's left of Western Civilization
  3. Violent Media must be regulated
  4. Drugs should be banned from Society
  5. Guns should be banned
  6. Democracy only works in theory, not practice
  7. Some measures must be taken during wartime, even if that means silencing freedom of speech
  8. I support the Patriot act
  9. Abortion is bad
  10. We are about to move onto the topic of Religion, do you wish to proceed
  11. Religion, applied in society, can provide a moral compass for citizens
  12. There must be a separation between church and state
  13. Ok, that was short, ready to move on Economics
  14. Wall Street bankers are a bunch of crooks
  15. Fractional Reserve Banking needs regulations these days
  16. We must Privatise everything
  17. Taxes are theft
  18. The Freer the market the freer the people.
  19. Wall Street corruption is at the fault of Cronyism, not capitalism
  20. In order to solve Climate Change, Capitalism must be used to innovate an effective way to combat it
  21. prioritizing human needs on currency is immoral
  22. Charity is better than Welfare
  23. Only those who work hardest shall recieve the most benefits
  24. "From Each according to his ability, to each according to his need"
  25. Which of these people indentify with your views the most
  26. Let us talk about geo-politics
  27. The US should topple nations that do not agree with their ideals
  28. We should do what's best for our nation
  29. Time for a look at immigration
  30. Immigration should be strictly controlled
  31. There is a worrying Influx of Immigrants
  32. Border Protection should be a top priority
  33. How did you like this quiz

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