Leveling up again (rockruff edition)

Please don't be mad that in the result it just says the pacer test intro. I really didn't know what to say and I don't want to be paranoid of getting banned (idek) so I am saying this now.

Rockruff is a pokemon and its really cute imo. Also, its small. So. Here we are. Idk what else to say except God bless you. :D :D '-' =P =P :0 :0 :^) :3

  1. What color is rockruffs eyes
  2. Is rockruff cute
  3. Are rockruffs ears straight or bent down
  4. Is rockruffs nose black or pink
  5. What color are rockruffs paws
  6. Is rockruff fluffy
  7. What color is rockruffs stomach
  8. What color is rockruffs tail
  9. What does rockruff evolve into
  10. How many forms of what rockruff evolves into are there
  11. What color is rockruffs paw pads
  12. What is rockruffs cry
  13. What region is rockruff first in
  14. Who all evolved there rockruffs in the anime
  15. I might have the last question wrong
  16. Bye
  17. God bless you

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