Level builder quiz 4

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Hey there. We're making this during a massive headache, we've been having a lot of repeated anxiety attacks and bursts of just crying because of the current political situation in the US right now.

So, forgive us if we seem... scrambled? We are not doing okay at all but we're powering through on caffeine, way too much Advil, and nearly constant media consumption. The next four years will be rough here and so will many more years after that. But l won't go further into it. Let's enjoy a break.

  1. Hey there. Us again. What's up?
  2. Mkay. Have you eaten or drank anything yet?
  3. Let's take a minute to breathe. Go do your favorite breathing exercise. If you don't have one, do the 4-7-8 (Google it)
  4. I'm not sure what else to put. Just take a second and relax.
  5. Where would you like to be?
  6. Is it night or day for you right now?
  7. Do you have a favorite blanket?
  8. Life.
  9. Go get offline, touch some grass, go enjoy life. Of course, nothing wrong with being online, but take a break, alright?
  10. see ya later on bud

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You are viewing the 1st quiz out of 4 in the set ...LEVEL BUILDERS....

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