Level builder + Check up quiz

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This is just a breather quiz. A simple one. Nothing you have to think too hard about. Just to build my levels. Feel free to take your time on it and just have fun.

Also, if you're stressed, feel free to check out the link on this quiz! It's a visual breathing exercise on the Trevor Project site. It's supposed to help. Feel free to get help. (🦢)

  1. First question, how are you?
  2. What time is it for you right now?
  3. Whatcha do today? Pop it in the comments of this quiz.
  4. Are you on GTQ just to ignore something like feelings, homework, or something?
  5. You probably shouldn't be doing that lol
  6. How about you go take a break. Go get some water and food. Go take a nap (or actually just go to bed if it's late enough)
  7. It's okay, you deserve to rest and take care of yourself
  8. This is your reminder to take a breather! It's okay. Go close your phone (or other device). Go outside. Go play with slime. Go play with makeup. Do what you want, the world is your stage, darling
  9. btw it's not selfish to put yourself first. it's not vain. and even if it was, be a little vain. you're amazing, sugar, you get to be vain. If anyone else complains, do it anyway.
  10. See ya later! Make sure to check out my way better quality quizzes. This was just a sit down quiz

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You are viewing the 4th quiz out of 4 in the set ...LEVEL BUILDERS....

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