Name the Political Haters

There is a lot of harsh political talk out there these days. Each side accuses the other of dishing it out. I've taken out the names and other identifiers from these 10 quotes to see if you can discern the hateful speech from just tough talk.

There's lots of tough talk going on in the political world today. But I see a lot on the news about how one side is mean-spirited and hateful while the other side is calm and rational. I put together 10 quotes (not all hateful), see if they confirm or dispel your beliefs on the civility of our current political discourse.

Created by: triggermortis

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  1. "This is his time. He should get mad, stop d*ing around... He just needs to drag them to it. Like I just said, they're (Americans) are stupid. Just drag them to this, get (this policy) done, you know, with or without them. Make (the group of same-party opponents) an offer they can't refuse. This (same-party senator) guy, he needs to wake up tomorrow with an interns head in his bed. I'm serious." Who said this referring to what?
  2. "You guys see Live and Let Die, the great Bond film with Yaphet Kotto as the bad guy, Mr. Big? In the end they jam a big CO2 pellet in his face and he blew up. I have to tell you, (blank) is looking more and more like Mr. Big, and at some point somebody's going to jam a CO2 pellet into his head and he's going to explode like a giant blimp. That day may come. Not yet. But we'll be there to watch. I think he's Mr. Big, I think Yaphet Kotto. Are you watching, (blank)?" Who said this about who?
  3. "I think this guy is a loser." Who said this about which sitting president?
  4. "I don't like it (the ugly criticism). I think the cables have a lot to do with it... If you want me to name a couple of names I'll be glad to do that for you... (blank) and (blank). I mean, here are a couple of sick puppies." Who said this about who?
  5. "(blank) is F*ing retarded" Who said this about who?
  6. Who said: "Do I hope that those people (their critics) die screaming of rectal cancer? Yeah"
  7. "It is a fact, startling in its cynical simplicity and it requires cynical and simple words to be properly expressed. The presidency of (blank) has now devolved into a criminal conspiracy to cover the ass of (blank). All the petulancy, all the childish threats, all the blank-stare stupidity, all the invocations of (blank), all the sophistic questions about which (blanky blanks) we wanted him not to stop, all the phony secrets, all the claims of executive privilege, all the stumbling tap-dancing of his nominees, all the verbal flatulence of his apologists, all of it, is now, after one revelation last week transparently clear for what it is: the pathetic and desperate manipulation of the government, the refocusing of our entire nation towards keeping this mock-president, and this unstable vice-president, and this departed, wildly self-overrating attorney general, and all the others, from (blank blank blank, etc.)" Who said this about who?
  8. Who received this threat from a protester? "Get him outta here, or I'm goin' to jail today."
  9. "Anybody who thinks that 9/11 was carried out by the government isn't a 'truther', they're idiots... But twelve percent of Americans are just dumb enough to believe that that's exactly what happened."
  10. "On the internet there's an acronym that's used to apply to situations like this, I guess it's STFU. I don't think I can say that on the air, but I think you know what that means." Who said this about who?

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