Knights Radiant Quiz

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Become one of the Knights Radiant. I also have to write a lot of words so that's what Im doing right now. Speak the Words! Also this needs to be even longer so that's why this sentence is here.

It only lets there be eight answers, so for some of them there will be seven real answer and one that just says none. Look at all of the questions that are the same question and then pick your answer on one of them and pick none for the rest of the questions of that question. Hopefully that wasn't too convoluted.

Created by: Oranjejuicemonki
  1. Favorite color?
  2. What's the best quality to have?
  3. Which would you most want to be for a living?
  4. Which is the best Herald?
  5. Which is the best Herald?
  6. Which is the best spren?
  7. Which is the best spren?
  8. What power would you want to have?
  9. What power would you want to have?
  10. What's your favorite order/order you think you'll be in? (This is not a glitch that Bondsmith isn't an answer, there's only three Bondsmiths ever so I made it really hard to get Bondsmith in this quiz.)
  11. What's your favorite order/order you think you'll be in? (This is not a glitch that Bondsmith isn't an answer, there's only three Bondsmiths ever so I made it really hard to get Bondsmith in this quiz.)
  12. What's the best shard in the cosmere? (If you haven't read all of the cosmere and only the stormlight archive... at least you know three of them... also ......... RRRRRREEEEEAAAAADDD ITTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
  13. What's the best shard in the cosmere? (If you haven't read all of the cosmere and only the stormlight archive... at least you know three of them... also ......... RRRRRREEEEEAAAAADDD ITTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
  14. What's the best shard in the cosmere? (If you haven't read all of the cosmere and only the stormlight archive... at least you know three of them... also ......... RRRRRREEEEEAAAAADDD ITTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
  15. What Hogwarts House are you?
  16. What's your favorite character in the entire cosmere?
  17. What's your favorite character in the entire cosmere?
  18. What's your favorite character in the entire cosmere?
  19. What's your favorite character in the entire cosmere?
  20. What's your favorite character in the entire cosmere?
  21. What's your favorite character in the entire cosmere?

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