Which Member of House Kholin are you?

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Hi! Welcome to my quiz on which member of House Kholin you are!! House Kholin is from the Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson. Why did I make this quiz? idk I guess I was bored. Anyways, have fun!

"Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination. The Knights Radiant must stand again." - Kal I think??? Hope you enjoy this quiz!

Created by: Nerdy_Truthwatcher
  1. What is your strongest attribute?
  2. What is your worst trait?
  3. What is your worst fear?
  4. Which one are you?
  5. What order of Knight Radiant do you think you are?
  6. Hogwarts house
  7. "You are the chosen one."
  8. Which group do you think you would be a part of?
  9. What is your moral alignment
  10. Which member of House Kholin do you like best?
  11. Which member of House Davar is your favorite?

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Quiz topic: Which Member of House Kholin am I?
