Kinz Family Quiz

The Kinz family is popular in books, movies and more. Even a app! Now there's a quiz! Check out the magic land quiz! You can take the quiz now easily! Have fun and enjoy the quiz!

You can get Pinky Cat, dad mom, and more! Just take this quiz!

Created by: Hope of Hope & Mk
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You can think of what to do... Then you've got it! Your thought is...
  2. Someone calls you a mean name at school! You...
  3. What after school activites would you do?
  4. You wake up and it's time for breakfast, you have on your plate....
  5. A man is here to take photos for the yearbook. You..
  6. You get a mean email from a classmate. You...
  7. Are you pouplar at school?
  8. What's your favorite type of music?
  9. Are you teachers pet?
  10. Last question, did u like this quiz?

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