How smart are you?

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Hi this is Cooldude1 and this quiz will see how smart you are. This is made for kids in school so if you are above school age the questions will not be relevant. Please answer truthfully.

Now relax and enjoy the quiz. By the way, if you get a low score take my advice. If you get a high score, well done, you are very smart. So Ill stop talking so you can go and enjoy the quiz.

Created by: Cooldude1
  1. What are your grades in maths??
  2. What are your grades in English?
  3. How are youre grades in science?
  4. How are youre grades in history?
  5. How are youre grades in geography?
  6. Do you even like school?
  7. Are you ever called smart or people said him/her the smart kid?
  8. Faverouite subject?
  9. Do you ever forget homework?
  10. You like reading?

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Quiz topic: How smart am I?
