how well do you know Harry Potter ?

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Hey there, do you think you are a potterhead? you better take thins quiz and check out, only those who watched the movies and read the books would easily answer this quiz.

If you think you are a true harry potter fan (potterhead) then check it out', take this quiz and you will know. starting from "professors" to "actors" you will find it all in these 13 easy questions.

Created by: hagar
  1. what is Harry's full name ?
  2. Believing an Order member betrayed them, Lupin tests Harry's identity, asking, "What creature sat in the corner the first time that Harry Potter visited my office at Hogwarts?" Harry correctly answers that it was a...........
  3. what was the color of Dobby's shoes when he went to grimmauld place with kreacher and mundungus fletcher in "harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1" ?
  4. what was the first horcrux to be destroyed in the movies ?
  5. who played lord voldemort ?
  6. who said "Come on, cheer up, it's nearly Christmas." ?
  7. _________________ is the full name of the founder of HUFFLEPUFF.
  8. how many Harry Potter movies are produced ?
  9. what is J.K. Rowling's full name ?
  10. in "Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone" what was the first sentence written in the book ? (swipe to see full answer)
  11. who was the person to say the first thing in "Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone" the movie ?
  12. who got stuck in the vanishing cabinet?
  13. who died Crabbe or Goyle?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Harry Potter ?

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