Is Your OC a Mary Sue?

Is your OC a Mary Sue? Learn now in this quiz I made. Find out the flaws of your OC’s and learn how to change them up, now I’m going to write about the color yellow because I have no idea what to write.

The color yellow is a very bright color, and is one of the primary colors, and a color that most people can see. Light yellow is especially pleasing to the eye to look at..

Created by: Frownist
  1. Does your character have 1 or both parents dead or missing?
  2. Is your OC’s current parents/guardians abusive?
  3. Is your OC depressed?
  4. Has your OC been bullied in any way?
  5. How many people love your OC? (Romantically)
  6. Is your OC aware of the people who love them?
  7. Is a villain or other characters extremely obsessed with your OC? (Romantically)
  8. Is your OC human?
  9. Does your OC have special abilities that most of their kind don’t have? (Like a vampire who doesn’t burn in sunlight, or a human with special powers.)
  10. Has your OC been responsible for any deaths or serious injuries?
  11. Does your character have features of their appearance that is strange and non-occurring in real life? (like weird eye color, etc.)
  12. Does people in your OC’s universe constantly talk about how amazing your OC is?
  13. Does your OC have a power that only THEY have?
  14. How strong is your OC’s abilities?
  15. How strong is your OC without abilities? (Hand-to-hand combat, stuff like that.)
  16. Has your OC every became really good at something with little-to-no training?
  17. Is your OC with a canon character? (Ex: OC x Levi)
  18. Is your character related to a canon character? (Ex: Being the sister of sans or something similar.)
  19. Does your OC come from a place that is unheard of in your OC’s universe?
  20. Is your OC royalty, a divine being, or anything of the sorts?
  21. If your OC were to make an appearance in your story, would everyone notice them immediately?
  22. Does your OC immediately dislike or even hate others if their rude only once to them?
  23. Is your OC a virgin? (This question doesn’t affect the quiz score lmao)
  24. Does your OC have a significant other?
  25. Does your OC severely punish/attack those who they don’t like, people who disobey them or people who break the rules, even if it’s the smallest transgression?
  26. Do you sometimes imagine yourself as said OC?
  27. Is your OC immortal?
  28. Does other characters in your OC’s universe consider your OC likable?
  29. Would people in real life consider your OC likable if you showed them?
  30. Would you consider your OC likable?
  31. Would you still consider your OC likable if you ever met them in real life?
  32. Do the people who dislike your OC end up dead or injured?
  33. And finally, do characters love your OC so much that they’re willing to fight over them?

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Quiz topic: Is my OC a Mary Sue?
