Is your friend fat?

This quiz is about how fat your friend is. Ever wondered if your friend was fat, chubby, skinny, or obese? this is the quiz for you. This quiz will accurately answer your question.


Created by: David Collins
  1. What do you think your friend is?
  2. How does there belly feel? If you've never felt it, try to next time you see them, or guess.
  3. Does there belly jiggle if you slap it.
  4. Does their belly jiggle when they walk
  5. Do they have fat rolls?
  6. Is there belly round
  7. What do your friends think he is.
  8. If you could make them one what would you want them to be? (NO effect on there score be honest no judgement).
  9. Did you enjoy the quiz? (No effect
  10. Would you want them to be as fat as her?(NO effect)[no urls]?v=O3k4Njek2xQ

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Quiz topic: Is my friend fat?
