Is you character a Mary Sue/Gary Stu?

We all know the Sues and Stus, the nightmare of every reader! Sues and Stus are characters who are too perfect and attractive, with no sense of reality whatsoever. Maybe it is the lack of identification, or maybe it is the fact that they're hugely overt, sort of cliché, fairytale-y sort of character, but fact remains, you do NOT want a Mary Sue or Gary Stu on your story, unless you want almost everyone to hate them. This quiz represents the thoughts of a fellow reader and writer on whether your character is indeed a Sue/Stu, or not.

Because many of these tests disregard non-original characters as well, this test was designed to include all types of characters, including canon ones, so if you want to know whether your fanfic character is a Sue/Stu or not, this test is for you.

Created by: whoever
  1. First question: does your character look as old as they are?
  2. What is their gender?
  3. What is their sexuality?
  4. How's their personality?
  5. Does your character use some sort of weapon that is uncommon to the time they're living in? (Ex: sword in the 21st century, fire gun in the Ancient Age, etc.)
  6. Do they have powers? If so, how many?
  7. What is their clothing preference?
  8. What's their hair color?
  9. Are they royalty?
  10. How's their name like? (Answers 1 and 2 apply for characters, such as transgenders, that legally changed their names)
  11. What do they do for a living?
  12. Are they in some sort of forbidden relationship?
  13. Tragic backstory?
  14. Flaws?
  15. Talents?
  16. Eye color?
  17. How many people fall in love with your character during your story?
  18. If a fanfiction, do they end up with the main canon character?
  19. If I say your character is bad, how would you react?
  20. At last: would you say your character is attractive?
  21. Thank you for taking this test, did you like it? If so, would you like a part 2 of it?

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