Is it love, obsession, or just a crush? | Comments

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  • Oh my, looks like someone can't get over a certian someone. You might think your in love, but in reality your becoming quite obsessed with them. Being obsessed can become an unhealthy problem, you need to slow down and learn to let them go.

    I got obsessed. I really, really, REALLY like him. I love looking at him, listening to him, and everything. He is just so cute and wonderful! I don't know why some people act like he's annoying and won't keep his mouth shut in class (not everybody of course) because I just LOVE him! Today in English class, I wrote on a small sheet of paper out of my mini notebook and wrote: "I like you." After about ten minutes, I handed the sheet of paper to him. My heart was pounding real fast. He said, "Okay," and then nodded. Some how, the sheet of paper ended up in the floor. Now only him and a couple close friends and one minor friend know I like him.

    The last question was a bit strange. I put us both so we would be together, except now that I think about it, he wouldn't want to die.

  • Is it love, obsession, or just a crush?
    Your Result: You're in Love 88%

    They mean the world to you and no one else seems to do. When you're around them, nothing else exists but the two of you. It's official, you're more than just crushing on the object of your affections, you've fallen in love with them.

    77% You're Obsessed
    76% You love them
    55% You got a crush

    He's the light of my life I'd do anything for him.I'm totally head over heels for him.

  • Your Result: You love them

    You really care about him, and have strong feelings towards them. You love them to bits and often find your self doodling his name all over your notebooks. Don't worry, you'll be fine. It's just a major league crush. If things don't go according to plan, there's always someone else out there for you.


  • sighhhh i got obsessed and its true!! im so crazy about him, and sometimes i even feel as if he likes me!! we hung out together the other day and the whole time i felt as if i was gonna explode. im like bella swan sometimes in that im TOTALLY CRAZY for this man and would die for him!!!!!! <3 all my friends think hes a jerk and find him anoyying and so dose half my class :( i havnt got a clue why. Anyway hes just so perfect, i could look at him and his beautiful blue eyes and brown hair all dayyyy. Today in math his friend wasnt here so he sat next to me! I drew on his hand and while we were touching hands i felt like there were electric currents going through me and him. Hes so perfect and a few people have even said that they thought me and him were a thing! we are not sadly (yet ).

    Anywayy hes lovely, the only issue is his girlfriend, but shes a year younger than him and they fight all the time, idk if its gonna last ( hopefully ) anyway wishing luck and love for all those in the comments ^_^ <33

  • Is it love, obsession, or just a crush?
    Your Result: You love them-93%

    You really care about him, and have strong feelings towards them. You love them to bits and often find your self doodling his name all over your notebooks. Don't worry, you'll be fine. It's just a major league crush. If things don't go according to plan, there's always someone else out there for you.

  • I like him alot. Unfortunately he doesnt like me at all. I tried so many things to get his attention, but useless.

    He keep avoiding me and treat me like a colleague.

    Last 2 weeks we were in the same lift and he talked to me, i was stuttered, i cant talk properly. Omg. Such a shame.

    But yes, ive been crushing on him almost 2 years, i guess im obsessed to him.

  • Is it love, obsession, or just a crush?
    Your Result: You love them 90%

    You really care about him, and have strong feelings towards them. You love them to bits and often find your self doodling his name all over your notebooks. Don't worry, you'll be fine. It's just a major league crush. If things don't go according to plan, there's always someone else out there for you.

    69% You're in Love
    58% You got a crush
    19% You're Obsessed

    I really do care about him. We dated for a month and he ended things. He was one of the best things that has happened to me and I'm glad we're still friends. But, after I mentioned that I had a crush on my best friend (female) he was acting jealous and all of that. When I brought it up to him he told me that he WAS jealous, but only wished the best for me. He's so sweet. I wish we could have a second chance.

    After he ended things, he still talked to me like we were still together and all of that (using the same emojis, using the same nicknames he would use for me, etc.) and it confused the hell out of me and my friends. I don't think that I'll TRUELY get over him, due to us having a kind of connection I've never had with anyone else. I would give my life up in a heart beat for him, doesn't matter the time or place. I don't know if he'd do the same, but that's for him to share if he wants to.

    He's amazing even if he thinks that he's not. Everyone thinks he's weird, but I think that it adds personality to a person. I knew he liked me when we first met, but it took me a few months to get to know him and gain feelings. But when I gained feelings, his started to fade. But he still acts like he did when we were dating.

  • I got in love! I really thought it would say I was just obsessed, but I'm glad it wasn't. But you should also change the pronouns to they/them because we don't know the gender of the person they'r crushing on (for example I'm crushing on a girl but it said him throughout).

  • Your Result: Your Obesessed 77%

    Oh my, looks like someone can't get over a certian someone. You might think your in love, but in reality your becoming quite obsessed with them. Being obsessed can become an unhealthy problem, you need to slow down and learn to let them go.

    65% You got a crush
    45% You love them
    42% Your in Love

  • Your Result: You got a crush

    It's nothing serious to start worrying about. You just got a little harmless crush on a certian guy. It's just a phase, you'll pass on to another guy eventually.

    not what i wanted i DO love him and ill never get to see him again :( cuz he moved halfway across the state its kinda like romeo and juliet a lot of my friends like him and we tell each other like EVERYRHING and now im not too happy but i know ill ALWAYS love jack...

  • I am crazy about my one. He doesn't know it 'cause we don't get to see each other much, but I'm always thinking of him and having just the craziest fairytale fantasies about him.

    Sometimes I get so depressed without him, though. and no one knows that I love him... I wonder if he loves me?

    Clara Ford
    • Same here. I don't know if I like him or love him. I just met him a few months ago, but I see him every day at school and he's a protective sweet guy. He pretends to be all mr. Tough guy with his friends, but he's really open and vulnerable with me. I really want to know if he's just being a friend or if he likes me????

  • Your Result: You love them 76%

    You really care about him, and have strong feelings towards them. You love them to bits and often find your self doodling his name all over your notebooks. Don't worry, you'll be fine. It's just a major league crush. If things don't go according to plan, there's always someone else out there for you.

    The last few parts of the results re not true for me. I just really love him. i dont doodle his name in my notebook, i just write my feelings about him!! i dont love him because of his looks (dont get me wrong tho hes cute and stuff) but i love him because he is himself, he is always being him. i love how he treats me everyday. i love how he is. i wouldn't change a thing about him.. OH WAIT AHAHA YES I WOULD! I WOULD WANT TO CHANGE SOMETHING ABT HIM AND HIS SOCKS! HES ALWAYS TAKING THEM OFF AND TOUCHING MY FEET AND LEGS LOL! (sorry for the caps i started laughing lol) have good day person reading this! sorry for it being so long :/ :)

  • 'You love them' that's quite good answer and yes I love him and I was very honest with him tho(btw we already dating) and he's very freaky for no reason lol when we first met I thought we was an innocent lovely boy (he's younger then me) but I was wrong... bro is too freaky please helpπŸ‘πŸ‘„πŸ‘

  • Your Result: You got a crush 86%

    It's nothing serious to start worrying about. You just got a little harmless crush on a certain guy. It's just a phase, you'll pass on to another guy eventually.


  • Technically, I would die for him, but then again, you could put anyone at all in his place and my answer would be the same. It's one of those weird crushes where it's like you don't like them, really, but if they made a move, you would, too. I kinda js want get over it. I find crushes annoying and distracting lol <3

  • Ok i got obessed i really dont understand how i got it cause i know im in love cause everytime im around him hes my weakness and i really like him but i dont know if he likes me back and if your dakotamills please understand i love you not just like love

    cleveland yeay

  • Your Result: You got a crush//////////////

    It's nothing serious to start worrying about. You just got a little harmless crush on a certian guy. It's just a phase, you'll pass on to another guy eventually.

    You love them ////////////
    Your in Love /////////
    Your Obesessed ///

  • "You just got a little harmless crush on a certain guy. It's just a phase, you'll pass on to another guy eventually." WHAT? JUST A "JUST"?? LIKE BRU I'D PASS ON TO ANOTHER GUY IF IT WAS A "JUST" AND I WISH TO BUT I CANT? LIKE Y R U SAID IT LIKE SO EASY AND WHAT? IM DYING

  • "Just a'll move on to another guy..."

    When?! This has been going on for 4 years!!! I wanna move on cuz I know I have absolutely no chance but 4 years later I'm still here....

  • Thank God it's just a crush I thought I was in love and he has a girlfriend I feel abused

  • huh, I'm kinda confused. I have a crush on one guy but then I love someone else. Funny.

  • β€œIt's just a phase, you'll pass on to another guy eventually.”

    it's been 4/5 years actually.. :D

  • I got In love... not i love them. but IN love. Great. I knew it. I fell in love with two guys and I cant help it... I hate myself

  • Well ... I got a crush and I think its ok because i think he likes me !!!

  • it says i love him. cool since i have a bf..the last question, haha, i said i would save myself cuz like come on. =D check out my newest quiz at e_you_desperate_for _a_bf_gf


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