cleveland yeay's Profile

cleveland yeay
Joined on Dec 2, 2015
Status Level: Novice
cleveland yeay's Quizzes
- are you a person everybody likes[published: Jan 12, 2016, 2 comments]
really you might be very popular and not know it and you could also be not very popular but who……
- am i emo or poser[published: Dec 02, 2015, 2 comments]
if you think you're an emo you just might be an poser you don't know till you take the test. if you're just……
cleveland yeay's Recent Posts
"Omg that was really funny got anymore"
"Im like really bored and want to talk anyone there"
"Omg that sounds exactly like me"
"Ya im in athletics at my school and i lift alot but it takes time to get there"
"And yes im tryin to commit suicide and i wont do it unless the person does or my best friend dies i will but life nothing to live for and al..."
"Ok so i have a really good friend and i need help cause they cut a lot and has held a knife up to there troat and said they would but i now ..."
"Hey guys im new to treads"
"Hey guys i made a quiz and i want everyone to check it out its called are you a person everybody likes itll be on the newer quizes but probl..."
"hey just made new quiz check it out its called are you a person everybody likes"
"hey I just made a new quiz its called are you a person everybody likes"
"GO TO THIS QUIZ ITS CALLED Am I emo or poser its a newer quiz"
cleveland yeay's Recent Quiz Comments
"Reacurring charcter im strong"
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"Ok dakota heres a hint im in 7th grade and to ur "sister morris" her brother or cousin or something like that and you guys just think about…"
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"Ok i got obessed i really dont understand how i got it cause i know im in love cause everytime im around him hes my weakness and i really…"
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"Hey are you tryin to pick up girls or something cause yes im a girl but i really dont want a guy in my life u less its dakota mills"
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"Dakota mills this is the person that likes ou and gave u there number and i really really like you and i pass you everyday in the halls i…"
1 reply1 -
"Ok so i really like this guy im almost 100% im in live and if you go to cleveland oklahoma middle school and you now dakota mills i love…"
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"Ya so 86% on the quiz emo ya fun im emo but if u dont know the meaning of emo ok so who ever made this quiz SUCKS"
1 -
"black and yeay me too insure but I have isuesses"
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"I'm new be my bff or just bf"
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"0MG YOUR A WITCH get out of here"