Shimmerflame's Profile
Joined on Apr 29, 2016
Status Level: Newbie
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Shimmerflame's Recent Quiz Comments
"Your Result: Puppy 86%
You are playful and like to bounce around all day. You are also very affectionate and can form strong…"
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"Your Result: Monkey 86%
You are probably a playful person with a lot of fun loving people surrounding you. you probably grew up…"
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"Your chance of having Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is 76%.
Your chance of having Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is very…"
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"Your Result: Your Obesessed 77%
Oh my, looks like someone can't get over a certian someone. You might think your in love, but in…"
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"Your Result: Yes, calm down! 93%
Stop stalking! You don't need to follow your crush everywhere. And you don't need to completely…"
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"Your Result: 11-15 85%
A pre-teen, pretty much. You can be real stressed out at times, and gets bored really easily. If I ever…"
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"I'm 11 and I have to deal with a spoiled 5 year old. I got 67%. Should have been more like 100%."
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"Your Result: Nerdy Girl 83%
Loves studying and is a total bookworm. Is amazingly smart. Is normally an A student. Always is…"
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"Your Result: No, I don't think so. 87%
I'm pretty sure that you are not. Please do not be fooling me. I wouldn't be too happy.…"
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"Your Result: Black Dog 94%
You have no soul. Your like a empty pit. Most-likely you are a book worm, secretive, dark, or someone…"