If you were in The Hunger Games, what would you do?

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This determines how long you will last in the Hunger Games and how well you'd do if you were a tribute. Do you think you'd survive the annual Hunger Games? Take this quiz to find out!

How far do you think you would get if you were a tribute in the Hunger Games? Do you think you be a victor or tragically end up deceased? Would you have what it takes to be a victor?

Created by: AshtonMoioLover

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your sister is nervous about being reaped for the games. What do you tell her?
  2. Your sister gets reaped. What do you do?
  3. As you look around at the tributes, who seems the nicest to you?
  4. In the training room, you see the boy from District 8 fall off the monkey bars. What do you do?
  5. You see the ashen hair boy from the chariot rides get in a fight with the buff boy you also saw. What do you do?
  6. You are at the interviews and you overhear a blonde girl say she's out to kill your ally. What do you do?
  7. Out of the interviews, who do you decide you want to be your ally?
  8. You're standing on the podiums and then, the bell rings for the games to start. What do you do when that bell goes off?
  9. As you run away from the bloodbath, the boy from District 5 threatens to kill you if you don't give him your supplies. What do you do?
  10. Lucky you! You managed to escape the bloodbath. What supplies do you have?
  11. As you are settling, you hear the Careers coming for you. You...
  12. You see a fire and you come upon a girl with orange wavy hair who has little supplies. You...
  13. As you sit in a tree, a little girl points to a tracker-jacker nest. She tells you to cut it down. What do you do?
  14. You come across a topple of supplies and food, but the boy from District 3 is guarding it. You...
  15. The feast is coming up, and you surely need that extra food, and your lover needs some medicine. What do you do?
  16. Another tribute has pinned you to the ground and she is keeping you knife-point. You...
  17. You're running to the Cornucopia and you see mutts. You...
  18. The boy with the abs is choking your partner. You...
  19. There is only one victor for now. Seneca Crane says one of you has to die. Do you committ suicide?

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