Which Hunger Games tribute are you?

Many people just want to be tough and strong in the Hunger Games, but not all of us will have that edge. If you were put in the arena with many large tributes, how would you go about?

Are you brutal, deadly, strong, smart, instinctive? Which 74th Hunger Games tribute are most like? There are eight characters and twelve questions that will help you decide!

Created by: wineknot72

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are brought up as your name is announced to your entire district. What do you do?
  2. In the train, you are with your mentor. You discuss:
  3. In the training center, you focus on:
  4. Your main skill set consists mainly of:
  5. The Hunger Games is about to start. You are brought to the surface. You see a lake to your right, a field straight ahead, and a thick forest to your left and back. The gong is about to sound. You plan to:
  6. Night one. Over half of the tributes are dead. You:
  7. You find a smaller tribute who is obviously wounded. You:
  8. With any allies you might have had gone, you are confronted by a large, strong tribute who's interested in being a formidable ally at your side. You:
  9. A feast is announced at the site of the cornucopia. There are powerful weapons, food, and other items that will almost guarantee survival. You're running low on items yourself. You:
  10. You are in the final two. You encounter mutts with the power to kill anything they touch, but to your surprise the last cannon fires and the mutts disappear. You:

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Quiz topic: Which Hunger Games tribute am I?