i will guess ur age

I will guess your age. In the result that you get, you can either stop or click on a link in your result. it will take you to a quiz that will guess your quiz more accurately.

this will guess your age with scary accuracy.vgvghgeruurefiBbvffieUeajifbvfTjduudifhIvfdusjdMvsibfiufdNcwdjOTuehhdAfssdufhuSdwdicTAuhdhuLbhurfKudeEfhfbR

Created by: PandaDragon
  1. fav food
  2. amimal
  3. what power
  4. time of day
  5. color
  6. is this quiz good
  7. hi
  8. no
  9. aye
  10. bye

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