Never Have I Ever (for teens and tweens)

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Let's play Never Have I Ever! Only take this if you're a teen or a tween (as the title says). Be honest if you want an accurate result. I might also guess your age as part of the result.

Feel free to retake the quiz whenever you want! I think it would be cool to retake it every month/year and compare the percentages. It's up to you, though! And if you aren't sure on a question, just click "No".

Created by: grimmchild
  1. Never have I ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend.
  2. Never have I ever gone on a date.
  3. Never have I ever asked someone out on a date.
  4. Never have I ever been asked out on a date.
  5. Never have I ever had a crush.
  6. Never have I ever had a friend betray me.
  7. Never have I ever betrayed my friend.
  8. Never have I ever been a member of a clique.
  9. Never have I ever been rejected after confessing my crush to someone.
  10. Never have I ever rejected someone after they confessed their crush to me.
  11. Never have I ever kissed someone on the lips.
  12. Never have I ever broke up with someone.
  13. Never have I ever been bullied by a friend.
  14. Never have I ever followed a fashion trend.
  15. Never have I ever tried alcohol. (Just 1 sip doesn't count)
  16. Never have I ever been bullied.
  17. Never have I ever said a swear word on purpose.
  18. Never have I ever made up a romantic scenario in my mind.
  19. Never have I ever been mean to my crush.
  20. Never have I ever embarrassed myself in front of my crush.
  21. Never have I ever gotten suspended.
  22. Never have I ever gotten in huge trouble at school.
  23. Never have I ever gotten someone in trouble at school.
  24. Never have I ever listened to an explicit song on purpose.
  25. Never have I ever embarrassed myself in front of my friends.
  26. Never have I ever gotten sent home from school for behavioral reasons.
  27. Never have I ever danced with my crush.
  28. Never have I ever dreamed about my crush.
  29. Never have I ever made more than 5 inappropriate jokes in one hour.
  30. Never have I ever given in to negative peer pressure.

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