I can guess your age!!

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Have you ever wondered if you could get someone to try to guess your age in just a few questions? Here you can get me to guess!come! Come! Don't be scared to particapate

Do you think you can deafeat me? Well in a few questions you find out! I might guess your age!Are you a match for me? Can you deafeat me just in some questions?

Created by: Brianna
  1. Are you in school?
  2. How would you spell the word 100
  3. Have you planned your job yet?
  4. Whats your fav fashion?
  5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and so on are you in?
  6. Are you a boy or girl? Male or Female?
  7. Okay. What do you think of maths?
  8. Now you know I can't really guess your age but you tell in your opinion
  9. Okay. have you got percings?
  10. OKAY! Last question

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Quiz topic: I can guess my age!!