Which mha girl is your soulmate.

Hey, weebful men, woman or enby's! Are you tired of being so lonely and sad? Well, I made something just right for you! I will guess your match girlfriend in My Hero Academia!

So Imma guess your perfect girlfriend in MHA, are you ready for that? I hope you get the one you want! There are a total of four possible female characters to match with, let's go!

Created by: Harriet Randall
  1. What is your favourite colour
  2. What gender are you?
  3. What is your personality like?
  4. Someone you don't like more than a friend asks you out. What do you do?
  5. Who would be your friend?
  6. Team Hero or LOV
  7. Choose a quirk
  8. Do you have any interests?
  9. How was your childhood?
  10. Lastly, Who are you in your friend group?

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Quiz topic: Which mha girl is my soulmate.
