I can guess your age

I bet I can guess your age.Whether your a little baby with no brain at all, or a grumpy teenager who just found this scrolling your phone. So take this quiz and find out if I am able to guess your age, but first I must clarify:

This is a guess, so if I get it wrong DO NOT SUE ME! I’m not even sure if you are able to do that when I haven’t even guessed it, I just made the quiz lol!

Created by: Jassy
  1. Are you under 18?
  2. Who is reading this quiz to you?
  3. Do you have a crush on anybody?
  4. Weird question… but have you had that 3 letter word… six, but the i is an e…
  5. What are you in LGBTQ+?
  6. How many kids do you have?
  7. Can you walk or talk?, I know it’s and odd question.
  8. Did you like this quiz?
  9. What would you rate this quiz?
  10. Is this the last question?

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Quiz topic: I can guess my age
