Africa Quizzes
Africa is the world's second largest continent, with many developing nations and stark natural beauty. Africa's diversity includes the hot Sahara, the pyramids of Egypt, the wild jungles and grasslands, as well as modern cities where economies are growing.
Our Africa category is where we will add quizzes on its various countries. We do not have many yet, but there is more to come.
Africa Quiz List
- How far do you know about Southern Africa?[by: Shakes James, rated: 4.57rated: 4.57/5, published: Aug 13, 2013]
A genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine perspiration.Are you one of them? Geniuses are not judged by externals but by their power of solving…
- How well do you know Africa?[by: Ms. M.V.W., rated: 2.95rated: 2.95/5, published: Mar 27, 2011]
This quiz tests your knowledge on the subject of Africa! At the end of this test you will know how much you actually already knew about Africa but you will…
- Africa People & Places[by: Steven, rated: 2.89rated: 2.89/5, published: Mar 13, 2008]
Africa used to be such a foreign country to you, but now you know all about it. Or at least, you should know all about it. Check out this practice quiz to…
- How well do you know Africa?[by: Poop land, rated: 2.69rated: 2.69/5, published: May 8, 2007]
Lots of people know the tragedy of what is now Africa. Africa has many medical problems nowadays, like AIDS, HIV, and STD. They are remotely poor, and don't…
Egypt Quizzes
- How Egyptian are you?[by: shery, rated: 3.23rated: 3.23/5, published: Aug 6, 2007]
Forget about the ancients, there are real Egyptians out there just waiting to be acknowledged! You've probably tried dozens of quizzes to no avail as to who…
Ethiopia Quizzes
- Are You Ethiopian?[by: Sarah, rated: 3.88rated: 3.88/5, published: Apr 12, 2020]
My quiz tests you about Ethiopian things and some question talk about the culture the following is what the talks about food, history, land, wealth, and more…
- What do you know about Ethiopia?[by: Catalina_1029, rated: 2.5rated: 2.5/5, published: Apr 24, 2022]
Does anybody know about Ethiopia? Or what that even means? There are 1000s of people in the planet who are ignorant of this beautiful country in — oh I…
- Are you a true Ethiopian[by: Knean, rated: 0rated: 0/5, published: Sep 24, 2016]
There are many Ethiopians, but few true Ethiopians. Ethiopian is, after all, quite exceptional. What is an Ethiopian? A Ethiopian is someone who is always…
South Africa Quizzes
- Test Your South African Knowledge[by: DJ Cecilia, rated: 4.5rated: 4.5/5, published: May 23, 2019]
Welcome to my second quiz in 2019. I decided to pick this topic because I know a lot of things, but I wanna see if you guys know a lot about the stuff in this…
- How South African Are You?[by: Nashira!, rated: 3.48rated: 3.48/5, published: Oct 5, 2011]
Did you ever wonder if you could survive South Africa? After all it is very unique, the accents, the history, the people and the place it self. South Africa…
- How much do you know about South Africa Quiz 1?[by: country, rated: 2.69rated: 2.69/5, published: Mar 18, 2007]
A lot of people assume they know what goes on in the world. However, most of the time, those people are wrong. This kind of ignorance kills. This quiz is just…
- Only true South Africans can ace this quiz.[by: Artic Wolf, rated: 2rated: 2/5, published: Dec 11, 2018]
Only true South Africans can ace this quiz. If you are one thanks for taking my quiz. if you are not don't bother. if you're not one but know the facts,…
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