Are you a true Ethiopian

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There are many Ethiopians, but few true Ethiopians. Ethiopian is, after all, quite exceptional. What is an Ethiopian? A Ethiopian is someone who is always true their culture.

Are YOU an Ethiopian well... A true Ethiopian? Are you a hard worker? Until now you can only wonder if you were a pure Ethiopian true to your cultural habits.

Created by: Knean
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Were you born in Ethiopia
  2. Can you stand a dirty house?
  3. Did you start cooking at a young age?
  4. Do you know how to make natural coffee?
  5. Do you love food?
  6. Are you petite, thick or slim thick
  7. What kind of hairstyles do you like?
  8. Are you scared of animals?
  9. If you were in an argument would you always win
  10. Do you drink coffee a lot

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Quiz topic: Am I a true Ethiopian