Only true South Africans can ace this quiz.

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Only true South Africans can ace this quiz. If you are one thanks for taking my quiz. if you are not don't bother. if you're not one but know the facts, Congratulations.

All you have to do is answer the trivia questions below, click on the submit button and see your results if you lose I already told not to take the quiz. but so what.

Created by: Artic Wolf
  1. South Africa is a proud rugby playing nation. Which is the only South African super 14 rugby team to ever win a super 14 title?
  2. What is the national floral emblem of South Africa?
  3. Who was the first black president of South Africa?
  4. Which South African born actress won an Academy award for her role in the 2003 movie "Monster"
  5. South Africa divides it's governmental power among three capitals. There is a judicial capital an administrative capital and a legislative capital. which is the judicial capital?
  6. How many official languages does South Africa have?
  7. Who was born on 18 September 1973 in Welkom, Free state. I'm the first South African in space.
  8. Which South African boxing great became the South African Word Heavyweight Champion on 23 September 1983
  9. What's a "lekker potjie"
  10. Which fort was built in Newcastle in 1870 to ward off the Zulus?

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