how will mommy long legs tickle you?

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Be tickled by mommy long legs! Be warned! She does not hold back... n. J. U js. Ka. . . M jq . A. . W. 92838jei83833883idiq91928499264828cjieies

Good luck! . . Is. . . . . S. .sd. nsnr. Ewiw. E d. A. .a8w8w7w7sjwn2jeud8w83dufj28101747f2777728472jcjskw928fjaoq828ru uwu37ruw82838eisoaow8rid

Created by: caleb
  1. You're a recently hired company nightwatchman. You're getting ready for work by wearing the company policy uniform. You put on the shirt and tie, then the black sweater vest along with the grey smart jeans. You then slip on your black shoes and drive to Playtime Co. While searching the building, you hear a voice calling you to a dark room. You follow, which was a mistake. As soon as you enter, mommy long legs restraints your wrists and feet with her arms. She then straps your wrists and legs down onto the table by tying her arms around them. You plead " why are you doing this?" She whispers in your ear "for fun.." She takes off your shoes and socks, and tears holes in your sweater and shirt by your armpits. She then begins to prod around your body. What part does she tickle?
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3
  5. 4
  6. 5
  7. 6
  8. 7
  9. 8
  10. 9

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