How well do you know SonicX?

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This is sonic X! Do not think I like him! I like silver the hedgehog! So yeah! Okay. Now I'm bored. Yawn... Now talk this quiz. Now now now! I don't want to type anymore!

So are you ready for my quiz? Find out now how much you know about SonicX!

Created by: Swaggy
  1. Who did Sonic get chase by on the highway?
  2. What did Sonic fall into?
  3. Project what?
  4. How did Sonic and Tails become friends?
  5. When is Sonicx on on the CW4 kids?
  6. What did Sonic do to piss her off?
  7. Why is lucky so lucky?
  8. What does Sonic hate?
  9. Oh my! Owl City!
  10. Okay. Back on topic. How old is Shadow?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know SonicX?