How much do you know Silver the hedgehog?

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There many people who say " they know Silver the hedgehog like the back of their hand" or something like that. But, how much do you REALLY know Silver the hedgehog? Well this is the quiz for you! To see just how much you know about him.

Now are you ready to take a somewhat easy quiz?! Or are you ready to show everyone how much you Silver the hedgehog?! This quiz may take a few minutes but, it'll be worth it!

Created by: NovaTheHedgehog

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Is Silver a boy or a girl?
  2. What color is Silvers' fur?
  3. What color is Silvers' eyes?
  4. Which game did Silver first appeared in?
  5. Who was the first person Silver meet, in the first game he appeared in?
  6. What is Silver personality?
  7. Is Silver and Blaze a couple?
  8. Did Silver try to kill someone?
  9. How many years in the future Silver comes from?
  10. What was Silver originally suppose to be?
  11. Is Silver good or bad?
  12. What powers does Silver has?
  13. What is Silvers' theme song?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know Silver the hedgehog?