How well do you know UnderTale?

This quiz will test your knowledge on UnderTale. UnderTale is an RPG. It's fun. Play it. Take the quiz. Go touch grass. Leave. Go away. Leave me alone. >:-(

This second paragraph shouldn't exist and it pisses me off that it does so stop reading it now. Go take the quiz. Touch grass. f--- off. No one likes you.

Created by: QuizMaster814
  1. What monster is Mettaton?
  2. Who is W.D. Gaster?
  3. How many final bosses can there be in UnderTale?
  4. What creature is Undyne?
  5. Who is Napstablook?
  6. What is Papyrus's Special Attack?
  7. What's Sans's favorite food?
  8. What is Papyrus's favorite food?
  9. What is Undyne's house?
  10. Lastly, have you ever played UnderTale?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know UnderTale?
