how well do you know the world

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you will be given 5 simple questions which are about world answer those simple question and get your result and share it all the best try well ask your friends to join this

want to know more you are allowed to create an quiz so if u know some interesting things please see to it u can create any type of quiz your whish your style but options are there to choose

Created by: vanshika
  1. what is the capital of australia
  2. do vatican city have any capital????
  3. tokyo is the capital of which country ?
  4. macedonia is in which continent
  5. what do you think yourself as a
  6. male is the capital of which country
  7. capital of portugal
  8. capital of monaco
  9. how many independent countries are there currently
  10. choose the correct spelling of the capital of peru

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the world You can find more quizzes like this one in our Countries Quiz category.
