How Well Do You Know The Wingfeather Saga?

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This quiz is for all the people out there that love the Wingfeather Saga, and want to know how much they know and focused on the concepts of the book.

I hope you enjoyed, and please give this quiz a good rating so that I know you liked it. Have a great rest of your day or night! And to all the bookaholics, KEEP READING!!!

Created by: Juliana
  1. Who loves breakfast?
  2. Who nursed Esben back to health?
  3. Who killed Esben?
  4. What did Gnag the Nameless use to move around?
  5. Who betrayed the Wingfeathers in book 3?
  6. Who is the bard?
  7. How many books are there in the saga?
  8. What is the school called in Ban Rona?
  9. Who sacrificed themselves for Tink (Kalmar)?
  10. Who did Nia fall in love with?
  11. Is the Wingfeather Saga the best!!?? Bro, you better get this right...

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know The Wingfeather Saga?
