Which Wingfeather Child Are You?

This is a quiz for the people who love the Wingfeather Saga and want to know which character they are! Take this quiz to know exactly who you are inside!

If you are a Wingfeather lover, then this quiz is perfect for you! Share it with friends and family, because who doesn't like a good quiz!? And, a Wingfeather quiz!?

Created by: Juliana
  1. What hobby would you choose?
  2. What would you do if Claxton Weaver caught you?
  3. What is your weapon of choice?
  4. What would you do if you came across a wounded cloven?
  5. What will you do when you go into Oskar's library?
  6. What do you do first in the morning?
  7. Who do you like the best?
  8. What will you do with the Wingfeather Saga books?
  9. What would you answer if someone said hi?
  10. What is your best talent?

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Quiz topic: Which Wingfeather Child am I?
