How well do you know the Vamps

This is a quiz to figure out how well you know the Vamps! Which consists of four handsome men Connor, Brad , James , and Tristan. They make great music 🎶.

They been together for years. Now in 2020 they are doing a tour soon well this year. When they were teenagers in the beginning now they are adults !!!

Created by: Kya
  1. What number did "can we dance" reach in the UK singles chart?
  2. Who is the oldest in the vamps?
  3. Who is the shortest in The Vamps?🇬🇧
  4. Who is allergic to nuts
  5. Who joined the band first?
  6. Who joined last?
  7. What was the name of their first ablum?
  8. Who is the lead singer?
  9. Who did they collaborate with in the song "somebody to you"?
  10. Who is the bass player?
  11. Who is the guitarist?
  12. Who is the drummer?
  13. What year they form?
  14. What show did they make a guest appearance on?
  15. Last but not least guess my favorite song.

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the Vamps
