You think you know Shawn Mendes?

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Hey guys what’s up! Are y’all ready to find out how much you know about Shawn Mendes! He’s a great singer right. Not really my type by looks but… his music’s awesome.

Do you know what your doing today? Your doing a quiz that will get you thinking “do I really know Shawn Mendes?” Nope! This quiz you are guaranteed not to excel. So. Let’s do this thang!

  1. Do you listen to his music?
  2. What’s his gender? (It’s a given)
  3. What’s his genre(s)?
  4. What’s his full name?
  5. Which of these singers did he genuinely date?
  6. What’s his nationality?
  7. What’s his birthday month?
  8. When’s his birthday?
  9. When did he release his first album?
  10. What was his first viral song?
  11. Where was he born?
  12. How many Socan awards has he won?
  13. How many MTV Europe Music Awards has he won?
  14. How many Juno awards has he won?
  15. How many iHeartRadio MMVAs did he get?
  16. How many American music awards did he get?
  17. Which of these words did Time use to describe him?
  18. Ok, 1 more, all right?
  19. How many Grammy awards did he win?
  20. Ok. Bye!!!

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