How Much of a TX2 Fan are you?

This quiz will tell you if you are an X or not. If you think you are, this quiz should be easy, but if not, well, go listen to TX2. Good luck and have fun!

TX2 is a pop-punk/alternate rock music writer who is starting to become super popular in his music industry, and tours around the entire U.S.A. Who knows, he may come to your city!

Created by: Luna
  1. Fill in the blank(Cuz I u, use to be you b!tch, I granted you every wish________________________
  2. Which one of the following are NOT made in 2022 ( TX2 before his peak)
  3. Which One of these songs are in Ghost of L.A. Album
  4. What hair color on this list has TX2 NOT had?
  5. WHat is Evan's ( Singer) sexuality?
  6. Who is TX2 guitarist?
  7. How many songs are in his albumDrop Dead
  8. How many of TX2's songs have more than 1 million plays?( On youtube)
  9. ( Hard Question) Which of the following do not have 1 million plays or more?
  10. What is TX2's Most popular Song?
  11. What song is NOT a song he wrote?
  12. (True/False) TX2 was born in Calafornia
  13. (True/False) Black Wedding is in the album Ghsot of L.A.
  14. Fill in the BlankI'm a 5'4 man whore who
  15. Which of the following are NOT one of his Heavy Metal songs
  16. Fill in the blank drove a stake right through her
  17. Fill in the blankDegrade me, to keep me _______
  18. What is Evan's aestetic?

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Quiz topic: How Much of a TX2 Fan am I?
