How many Good Kid songs do you know?

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So. I absolutely LOVE the band Good Kid. It's so so so gooooood! It's an indie rock band, and in this quiz you can see how many of their songs you know.

If you are like me, then this will be a pretty simple quiz. Like, super easy. It just shows some lyrics and then asks you what song. So let's get started.

  1. Hi
  2. "Like a hand reaching for a handle, but to find that it was never there"
  3. "I never sleep, I never eat, I never leave my house alone"
  4. "Your love songs cover this home, but nobody knows"
  5. "Sorry baby I just don't know the words, or how to conjugate them"
  6. "I'll go wherever you go, I'll go wherever you go, I'll go wherever you go, I'll go"
  7. "Screamed across the city from a windowsill, we all gotta break sometime"
  8. "When Jenny says, she's seen it all, she means from here to down the hall"
  9. "I wanna meet you but I can't speak"
  10. "The people here don't even know your name, but, they all claim it"
  11. "But it will fade as all things must, I loved you but, you didn't love me enough"

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Quiz topic: How many Good Kid songs do I know?
