Who are you in the Friend Group?

Hello! i see you are here to take my quiz? well, i wish you good luck in getting the result that you want. this quiz is just for fun (like basically all of my other quizzes) so if you get a result that you don't like, please don't take offense to it.

there are songs from youtube on all of the results, so if you want to you can listen to some of those. i'll link all of the songs in the closure paragraph, so you have to take my quiz to listen to the songs. mwa ha ha incentive.

Created by: FoxyWolf713
  1. hello!
  2. on a typical weekend without your friends, what would you be doing?
  3. there has been a storm, and all power has been cut off (and for some reason all of your electronics are dead) so you decide to read a book. what are you reading?
  4. what would you rather be doing right now?
  5. a new person walks over to you during lunch and asks to join your friend group.
  6. do you have any pets?
  7. are you biologically male or female?
  8. are you currently in high school?
  9. favorite color out of these?
  10. bye!

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Quiz topic: Who am I in the Friend Group?
