Which Demi Lovato Era Are You? (2023)

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Demi Lovato has had many eras with a variety of common themes, genres, and styles. Each one is unique and each one has its own great songs and music videos.

Which of these eras do you best fit into? Are you more rock, pop, or R&B? Are you confident, a lover, or something else? This quiz will determine which era you are most like.

Created by: Cassidy Penner
  1. How old are you?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What month were you born in?
  4. When did you become a fan of Demi?
  5. Do you spend a lot of time with other people?
  6. What is your sexuality?
  7. What is your favorite genre of music?
  8. What is your favorite song from Unbroken?
  9. What is your favorite song from Dancing With the Devil/The Art of Starting Over?
  10. What is your favorite of Demi's hair colors?
  11. What is your favorite Demi single?
  12. Do you prefer love songs or break up songs?
  13. What is your favorite non-album collaboration?
  14. What is your favorite Rockvato song of the following options?
  15. Which Demi era is your favorite?

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Quiz topic: Which Demi Lovato Era am I? (2023)
