How well do you know The Princess Bride?

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Test your knowledge on The Princess Bride (1987) with this "How well do you know The Princess Bride?" quiz! Will you come out as a super fan or go to rock bottom and not know any of the answers?

Go through each question (without looking at the questions below) and choose your answer. Remember, cheating is no fun, so answer these questions without help from Google or a fan!

Created by: Madelyn
  1. What's the main characters name?
  2. Who's sick in the movie?
  3. Where does Iocane Powder come from?
  4. What does Inigo swear by so that Westley trusts him to throw down the rope?
  5. Right at the beginning of the film, the camera cuts in on the little boy playing a video game. What type of game is it?
  6. What is Westley's response to anything Buttercup requests of him?
  7. What does the grandson say he hates that the grandfather does every time he visits?
  8. What does "As you wish" really mean?
  9. What was the name Westley used for the large rodents in the fire swamp?
  10. Inigo is searching for the ___-fingered man who killed his father.
  11. What did Buttercup call Westley?
  12. True or False: R.O.U.S stands for Rodents Of Unusual Size
  13. Why does the grandfather read the book to the grandson?
  14. The Cliffs of __
  15. Vizzini told Fezzik to finish off the Man in Black 'his way'. When Vizzini described what the way consisted of, Fezzik didn't like it. Why did Fezzik not like 'his way'?
  16. What was the only way Fezzik could swim?
  17. What word does Vizzini say repeatedly?
  18. Who is the Dread Pirate Roberts?
  19. Where was Westley taken when he and Buttercup were stopped outside of the fire swamp?
  20. What does Miracle Max coat the life-giving pill in?
  21. What did Count Rugen give to Inigo?
  22. What reason does Miracle Max have for lowering his usual miracle price for bringing Westley back from mostly deadness?
  23. Why was the life-giving pill coated in chocolate?
  24. What hand does Count Rugan have 6 fingers on?
  25. What does Buttercup have a dream about?
  26. What is the first item Westley says that Humperdinck will lose if they 'fight to the pain'?
  27. Second item (fight to the pain)
  28. 3rd thing (fight to the pain)
  29. 4th thing (fight to the pain)
  30. 5th thing (fight to the pain)
  31. What does Westley tell Humperdink he may keep when he puts him through 'the pain'?
  32. What does the Grandfather tell the Grandson to do after he interrupts him during the story? Finish this quote; "You're very smart. Now, ___________!"
  33. What type of group does Vizzini say he, Fezzik and Inigo are?
  34. With what country is Vizzini sent to start a war by the assassination of Princess Buttercup?
  35. What event prompted Buttercup's promotion to queen in her dream?
  36. How was it possible to get into the Pit of Despair?
  37. What career change does Westley suggest to Inigo?
  38. How many years has the Spaniard being hunting for his father's killer?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know The Princess Bride?
