How well do you know the Indian culture and traditions?

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Welcome to my quiz about India. Here you will get to know how well you know the Indian culture and history. You will have to answer the following 10 questions to get your result.

If you are interested in how well you would get along on your stay in India then this quiz is the right one for you! I hope you will enjoy the questions. Have fun!

Created by: Dominik
  1. India is one of the largest democracies in the world.
  2. What is the main religion of India?
  3. Buddhism was created in India.
  4. India has the largest number of vegetarians worldwide.
  5. What is the Capital City of India?
  6. What is the national fruit of India?
  7. Which is hand is not used for eating and passing things?
  8. The hierarchy in the business world is important.
  9. Only a few people in India speak English.
  10. The family plays a huge part in the everyday life of an Indian.

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the Indian culture and traditions?
