the Japanese culture

You might know that the Japanese culture is one of the most unique cultures in the world. But are you really aware, HOW unique they really are and in which ways they are showing it?

Take this quiz if you have confidence in your knowledge about this culture and if you want to prove it by answering the questions and scoring high. Only few minutes will be needed.

Created by: özge
  1. Americans are individualists - they like to state their individual opinions and to stand out with their individual strengths. Is it the same in Japan?
  2. What is the reason, that they avoid stating their individual opinions and standing out individually?
  3. Is the japanese language similar to the western languages?
  4. Does the difference in languages also affect our behavior?
  5. In what way does it show in their behavior?
  6. What is the reason that Japan is unpopular among other asian countries?
  7. What is the reason that the country as well as the language and culture are very popular nowadays, especially among young people?
  8. Do Japanese people use their given names before their family names?
  9. What is the most common religion in Japan?
  10. Are you going to watch Naruto?

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