How Japanese Are You?

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Visiting Japan is disorienting experience, The futuristic cityscapes, suspicion of outsiders, impenetrable language and strange traditions make it hard to fit in.

After your experiences embracing the local hospitality here is a thorough test of how well you have adapted - how JAPANESE ARE YOU ? and remember ...Shōda mo tsumoreba taiboku-wo taosu. Translation: With many little strokes a large tree is felled.

Created by: bigsteve
  1. You are sailing on a cruise ship when a baby whale is spotted off the starboard bow. Do you -
  2. You are shopping for new clothes in a large department store when you are mistakenly directed to the babywear section. Do you -
  3. It is a Tuesday night and your work colleagues are organising a night out. Do you-
  4. You discover your best friend who is 45 is dating an 18 year old student. Do you-
  5. Your football team is losing 4-0 at home and it's been an appalling spineless display. There are 10 minutes left. Do you -
  6. What is a "Soapland"and what would you do there?
  7. The TV news reports there is a nasty flu virus doing the rounds. Do you-
  8. You decide to take a 2 hour walk out of the city up into the nearby hills. Its a warm spring day , so what do you wear?
  9. What is your normal routine on the way to work in the morning?
  10. What is your ideal breakfast?

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Quiz topic: How Japanese am I?