Iranian Culture test

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Iran is a land of rich history, vibrant traditions, and deep-rooted cultural heritage. Test your knowledge on Iran’s food, language, customs, and history with this 20-question quiz!

Do you have what it takes to navigate the ancient wonders, poetic verses, and delicious delights of Iranian culture? From majestic empires to mouth-watering cuisine, Iran is a treasure trove of history and tradition. This 20-question quiz will test your knowledge of everything from famous Persian poets to iconic dishes. Whether you’re a cultural novice or a seasoned expert, take this quiz to find out just how well you know the land of roses, saffron, and poetry. Ready to dive in? Yalla, let's go!

Created by: Quizes9016
  1. What is the official language in iran?
  2. Which Holiday Make Marks The Persian New year?
  3. What is the capital city of Iran?
  4. Which famous Persian poet wrote “The Rose Garden” (Golestan)?
  5. What is the traditional Iranian flatbread called?
  6. Which empire was founded by Cyrus the Great in the 6th century BC?
  7. Which dish is made from saffron rice, chicken, and barberries?
  8. Which city is home to the stunning Naqsh-e Jahan Square?
  9. What is the name of the traditional Persian stringed instrument?
  10. What is the oldest monotheistic religion that originated in Iran?
  11. What is the Persian word for "Thank you"?
  12. Which of the following spices is widely used in Iranian cuisine?
  13. What does the festival of Yalda celebrate?
  14. Which Iranian city is famous for its rosewater and gardens?
  15. Which Persian philosopher is known for his work “The Book of Healing”?
  16. What is the traditional Iranian Tea sweetened with?
  17. Which mountain is the highest peak in Iran?
  18. What is a Persian carpet known for?
  19. Which Sea Borders Iran To North?
  20. What is an important symbol in Zoroastrianism, representing light and truth?

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