How well do you know the Dolan Twins

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Take this quiz if you want to see how well you know the Dolan twins. I have nothing else to say but I need this to be 100 characters long in order to publish this

I still need to take up more space so I'm just going to press the middle bar of my keyboard so it'll just say weird random words and I love it and u are so amazing and happy birthday and your family

Created by: Janice DeValk
  1. What is Grayson's middle name?
  2. What is Ethan's middle name?
  3. When were they born?
  4. What is their bird's name?
  5. What color has Ethan NOT dyed his hair with?
  6. What is Grayson's earring?
  7. What's their outdo?
  8. What is Grayson's favorite number?
  9. Which is the older twin?
  10. How much older is Ethan to Grayson?
  11. Is this the last question?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the Dolan Twins
