How well do you know the aftons?

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ever wonder how much you actually like the afton family? well, this quiz will let you know just how well you know them. sorry if its not accurate, this quiz was made under my au.

anyway, illl explain my au... my ships are mennard, chritmare, sprillora, charlizzy, and fon-fon. i dont really care about any other ships. in my au they are all hesitent ariund michael but they love him.

Created by: Dj
  1. who is terrence?
  2. how did micheal atfon die?
  3. who is purple guy?
  4. how did william afton die?
  5. why are there ten questions?
  6. who is william aftons wife?
  7. who is clara afton?
  8. how many afton children re there?
  9. what animatronic does elizibeth posses?
  10. whos my fave afton? (free points if you get this right! i you dont it wont affect your score)

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the aftons?
