how well do you know taylor swift's songs?

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hi guys!! if you think you are a total swiftie like me, then you should take this quiz to find out how well you know her songs. this quiz is medium-level difficulty (unless you're a 113% swiftie!)

this quiz includes a few different types of questions: finish the lyric, questions about album orders and album songs, and an unrelated question that won't affect your score. have fun and enjoy!!!

Created by: elena
  1. what is the first song on the debut album?
  2. finish the lyric: "and he just might make me smile, but ______"
  3. what was taylor's fifth studio album?
  4. what song is this from? "i used to switch out these kens, i'd just ghost"
  5. finish the lyric: "and i was never good at telling jokes, but the punchline goes, ___________________"
  6. which song doesn't belong on the red (t.v.) album?
  7. what is the correct order of taylor's five most recent albums?
  8. which song is actually on the evermore album?
  9. unrelated question (won't affect your score!!) which taylor album (out of the following) is your favorite?
  10. we're wrapping up the quiz!! finish the lyric: "cause i hear he's got his arm round a brand-new girl, _________"
  11. which of these isn't on an album? (a single)

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Quiz topic: How well do I know taylor swift's songs?
